It's no secret that the tourism and travel industry have suffered financially during this pandemic. Many countries closed their borders as a way to protect their citizens and help to diminish the spread of COVID-19-rightfully so. However, countries are now finding new ways to entice travelers, keep the population safe, and still generate revenue for their travel and tourism.

Barbados has taken the crown by welcoming American (and other) remote workers with a 12-month visa to stay and work from there.

The visa

Prior to the pandemic, Americans were allowed to go to Barbados for without having to apply for a visa. They are now, however, issuing a "12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp" for anyone who works remotely. This means that if you are looking for work in Barbados, you will not be eligible. This welcome stamp is strictly for people that work from home in countries outside of Barbados.

Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Amor Mottley, stated that people can "come and work from here overseas, digitally, so that they don't need to remain in the countries in which they are."

Pandemic precautions

Obviously, we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and the welcome of Barbados is not without certain requirements. This invitation is extended for people who are willing to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

According to the official "Visit Barbados
