In the last week alone, more than 1.3 million people filed first-time claims for unemployment insurance, according to the Labor Department. Since the pandemic started and created an overwhelming job crisis in the U.S., more than 50 million people total are reportedly unemployed. The numbers are staggering, and many have demanded further intervention from the government to help support people who are out of work and struggling to support themselves. In response, The White House recently launched a campaign to motivate people to find jobs - ones that currently don't even exist during the beginning of one of the worst depressions this country may ever see.

Pollster Matt McDermott tweeted, "'Find something new' the White House says to unemployed Americans in the worst job market since the depression. Just a stunningly tone deaf campaign." Keith Boykin, a former White House Aide, tweeted, "Ivanka Trump has a brilliant idea for the millions of Americans who are unemployed because of her father's gross negligence and incompetence. Her solution: Find Something New!"
