Texas Senator Ted Cruz was photographed yesterday flying an American Airlines regional jet, without wearing a mask. Brett Snyder calls it out as a flight operated for American by Mesa Airlines based on the beat up seat in the photo.
Naturally the photo is blowing up in social media. Masks are the new culture war, but this time with immediate real world consequences, though the President himself has now worn a mask on multiple occasions.
Captured today at 10:45am - @TedCruz on a commercial flight, refusing to wear a mask. pic.twitter.com/h8DM7J4CMi
- Hosseh (@hossehenad) July 13, 2020
Cruz is holding a cup of coffee in the photo. And while American Airlines and other U.S. carriers require masks to be worn by passenger, they aren't required to do so while eating or drinking. Some people take that to extremes nursing a soda for half an hour. In this case, though, Cruz doesn't appear to be breaking any rules because of his coffee.
However he's been photographed traveling before without a mask. Last month he waited in "the banjo" old A concourse at Washington's National airport (home to Southwest, Air Canada and Frontier) with no mask on, though the airport's rules say that passengers must wear masks inside the terminal.
"isn't everyone supposed to be wearing masks including Senators?" https://t.co/OZi4oaeJJQ
From DCA's website: "face coverings are required for everyone at Reagan National Airport" pic.twitter.com/GXOu9VX86N
- PoPville (@PoPville) June 12, 2020
In May, though, Cruz could clearly be seen wearing a mask (as required by the business) while getting a haircut at the Texas salon that defied the governor's lock down order.
WATCH LIVE RIGHT NOW: U.S. @SenTedCruz is getting a haircut at Dallas' Salon a la Mode: https://t.co/appgn6Utkz pic.twitter.com/oLIPp6Uh2v
- NBC DFW (@NBCDFW) May 8, 2020
Cruz has previously had to self-quarantine after coming into contact with multiple people who tested positive for Covid-19.