21-year-old Emmari Jackson of Texas was held in an Orlando jail on $3500 bond after "batter[ing] five airline agents and a corrections officer" on Tuesday afternoon over a $65 Spirit Airlines bag fee - the cost of a first piece of luggage checked at the gate.

Spirit's gate agents reported that she became angry over the fee, and things escalated when they told Ms. Jackson they wouldn't allow her to fly. That's when she "threw a bag of shoes at the agents at a service desk...reached over the service counter to hit an agent, ...punched [another agent] in the head" and things only got more out of hand from there.

A supervisor for Spirit Airlines attempted to call the police when Jackson ran at them, punched them in the back of the head, then jumped on them, according to a report. When witnesses attempted to pull Jackson off the supervisor, Jackson kicked a victim in the head, according to police.

Jackson then grabbed a metal dustpan used for airport cleaning from a nearby custodial cart and proceeded to hit a victim over the back with the dustpan..

When Ms. Jackson was taken into custody by police she "told officers she had COVID-19 before coughing on equipment." She then tried to escape and "began to cough and spit in the officer's face." An officer tackled her to the ground and she "kicked the officer in the chest." A mere $65 bag fee must be looking pretty good to her right now.

If I hadn't experienced Spirit myself I might think Ms. Jackson was every Spirit Airlines passenger ever. Of course this also happened in Florida, so...

(HT: Live and Let's Fly)
