One of the largest American Indian groups in the country is declaring war on the Washington Redskins -- saying the team name is insanely offensive and NFL players should boycott.

Fawn Sharp -- president of the National Congress of American Indians (which represents more than 500 tribal nations) just went scorched earth on the franchise in an op/ed titled, "Who Will Become the Colin Kaepernick of Washington's NFL Team?"

"The racial slur can no longer be removed by the complicit, indifferent, tone-deaf ownership of the franchise, because the stain they have fixed onto their own name and enterprises is now permanent," Sharp says.

"It is an insult that can no longer be retracted, a sin that can no longer be erased."

She continues, "Since it's too late to give the team name up, it's time for it to be taken."

"It's time for the players to rip down that name like it was a statue of a Confederate general in their locker room."


Sharp takes it further spelling out a plan of action for Washington players.

"I am calling for members of the NFL franchise in Washington, DC, to rise to the occasion and become heroes. All I ask is that you state the unequivocal moral truth: just as you would never play for the Washington [insert any other racial slur], you will no longer play for any team branded with a racial slur against Native Americans."

The team has long maintained its stance that the name is not offensive to Native Americans ... Sharp -- and the massive community she represents -- clearly disagree.
