Air Jordan has just conquered another element -- WATER -- 'cause Michael Jordan's Catch 23 boat just caught a 442.3-pound blue marlin in a fishing tourney!! Jordan is currently dukin' it out in the 62nd Annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament in Morehead City, North Carolina this week ... a big-time competition with $3.4 MILLION in prize money. His Airness has participated in huge fishing comps in the past ... including the White Marlin Open in 2019. Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media. MJ was all smiles when his crew brought in the huge blue marlin on Tuesday ... which is good enough to put them in 5th place for the heaviest marlin (the first place boat reeled in a 494.2-lb fish!!!) Remember, MJ's Catch 23 ride is a beaut -- it's even got the signature elephant print from his Jordan 3's on the back. Jordan did a "post-game interview" after getting off the boat ... saying he hopes to get back out on the water and bring back a bigger fish. Play video content Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament The crowd went wild when MJ pulled up to the dock ... and the legend even agreed to sign a few autographs after celebrating the huge catch. The tourney goes through the 13 ... so MJ still has some time to come through in the clutch.