Former Secretary of State and Republican Colin Powell said in a Sunday CNN appearance that he cannot support President Trump for reelection this year because Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution, and will instead vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee-and joins a growing number of the GOP and military leaders who have denounced Trump:
President Donald Trump on a tour of Puritan Medical Products medical swab manufacturing facility on ... [+]
Former President George W. Bush (and the last Republican to hold the office) will not vote for Trump, according to a Saturday New York Times report.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush-George W.'s brother-is unsure of who he'll cast his vote for in November, the Times reported.
Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Trump's first SecDef and a four-star Marine general, published a blistering denouncement of Trump in The Atlantic Wednesday, writing, "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people-does not even pretend to try."
Marine Gen. John Kelly, a former Trump chief of staff, said "I think we need to look harder at who we elect" in a June 5 interview and that he agreed with Mattis' statement in The Atlantic.
Longtime Trump clasher Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) will not vote for Trump this November, while Cindy McCain, widow of Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona (and another sometimes-Trump foe) is likely to vote for Biden, per the Times report; Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is "struggling" over whether to support Trump.
Retired Navy Admiral William McRaven, director of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, condemned Trump's use of law enforcement to clear protesters from a Washington, D.C. church in order to have a photo op, while Marine Gen. John Allen wrote in Foreign Policy that Trump "failed to project any of the higher emotions or leadership desperately needed" during this time of unrest.
"We have a Constitution. And we have to follow that Constitution. And the President has drifted away from it," Powell told CNN anchor Jake Tapper.
89. That's how many former defense officials spoke out against Trump in a Washington Post op-ed published Friday, which included five former defense secretaries.
If other big-name Republicans or military leaders come out against Trump. Previous analysis from FiveThirtyEight suggests that political regimes fall quickly once a critical mass of protesters is reached. Which means if widespread Republican support for Trump ends, it will evaporate quickly.
President Trump. Using Twitter, his favorite communication platform, Trump insulted Powell, calling him a "real stiff" who got "us into the disastrous Middle East Wars" who is voting for Biden, "another stiff." Trump slammed Mattis Wednesday after The Atlantic ran the legendary Marine's denouncement, calling him "the world's most overrated general."
Trump's actions amid the coronavirus pandemic, mass unemployment and historic levels of civic unrest over systemic racism and police brutality have made his path to reelection increasingly difficult, according to Reuters. Republicans in 2016 could point towards Trump's inexperience, or, as the thinking at the time went, his unlikeliness to win the office as reasons to not support his candidacy. However, going into November, the reports that Republicans are struggling to support Trump based on his mishandling of the pandemic and inflammatory response towards police brutality at the potential cost of favored policy positions, such as appointing conservative judges and cutting taxes.
Vote for Trump? These Republican Leaders Aren't on the Bandwagon (New York Times)
If Republicans Are Ever Going To Turn On Trump, This Might Be The Moment (FiveThirtyEight)
The prominent former military leaders who have criticized Trump's actions over protests (CNN)
Biden Clinches Democratic Nomination. Here's What's Next. (Forbes)
I'm a New York-based journalist covering breaking news at Forbes. I hold a master's degree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Previous bylines: