Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis Hawaii has mixed a legitimate desire to keep cases out of the islands and prevent spread with a fear and even hatred of outsiders. For instance they didn't just require quarantines on arrival for people coming from the rest of the U.S., they even barred Airbnbs from accepting new guests.
People could only stay through their existing contracts and then they had to leave. Kicking people off the island didn't help stop the spread of the virus to the island..
Among additional restrictions Hawaii has considered is requiring anyone coming to the island have a ticket to leave. Again, that does not thing to stop the spread of the virus, and just represents using the virus as a mask for hate-filled legislation.
Now there's a move to keep tourists segregated in resort areas and keep them out of Hawaiian neighborhoods that want to keep those neighborhoods only for locals.
The plan is to:
Maui Mayor Mike Victorino said he would like to keep visitors in the resort areas of his county without "utilizing our residential facilities." Hotels and resorts should open first and reestablish themselves, he said.
...Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami said his planning department is working with police and the National Guard to ensure transient rentals are not taking tenants.
Hawaii Mayor Harry Kim said he did not believe short term rentals will be allowed to open soon.
The powers that have been used in response to coronavirus have been extraordinary. The slap dash spending bills driven by coronavirus and the recession have led to what can only be called looting by several companies - and airports. Every crisis is an opportunity for those who seek to exploit it.