Chickens: the gift that keep on giving.

Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Pampered Chicken Mama / Hobby Farms / Instructables

1. Make a healthy salad necklace/garland.
2. Use a feather duster to mimic a mama hen's warmth.

15. Plant perennials, like currants and gooseberries, for free chicken food.

Veronika Viskova / Getty Images

27. Water + vinegar + lemongrass essential oil in a spray bottle is your ultimate DIY chicken coop cleaner and deodorizing spray.

28. Freeze corn (or chopped berries) for a yummy summer treat.

29. This DIY no-waste feeder cost less than $25 and took less than 20 minutes to put together.

34. Throw in a rotting tree stump for an easy DIY chicken perch.
What do you do to keep your chickens happy and healthy? Tell us in the comments!