When Democrats and Republicans agree on just about nothing in this country, why should traveling during the coronavirus crisis as restrictions ease be left out of the debate? Should travel industry be marketing the reopening of travel based on political affiliations to speed up recovery efforts?
To find this out, Skift Research surveyed a U.S. cross-section of members of both parties as well as independents about travel plans and preferences for next several months and came back with some fascinating results. About 35 percent of Republicans said they are planning to travel over the summer with at least one overnight stay versus about 20 percent for Democrats, a significant gap in intent between the two. Democrats and independents are a lot more cautious about travel plans going ahead, our survey shows.
Skift Research surveyed 528 individuals from May 15 through 19.
The information could very well prove useful to travel marketers looking at the most receptive demographics to target in the months ahead.
When it came to the likelihood of taking a flight this summer, it looks like independents had the greatest trepidation, with 59 percent say it was "very unlikely" they would take to the skies, versus 57 percent for Dems and 44 percent for GOPers.
Republicans also felt the government had done "enough" to support travel businesses in this time of crisis. Sixty-nine percent said government support was more than enough or enough while 39 percent of Democrats felt that way.
More Democrats felt states were reopening too soon versus Republicans, and that only essential businesses should be opening up.
Those results were consistent with a quick reopening as well.
So what is the takeaway here? Expect a whole of subliminal red in travel ad campaigns this summer and months ahead.