Walt Disney World (the entire Walt Disney Company, actually) has always presented itself as related to fun and magic and happy family memories. On the surface, they've always tried to make you think of them with positivity.
Even when a "rag mag" blog posted a rumor about WDW that got national headlines, Disney publicly handled it with grace (said rag mag's response was that the company's theme parks division had become "petty" and they were "at war" with the Walt Disney Company. Oh, please).
But I guess some things just can't be sugarcoated.
With Disney Springs, Disney's shopping and dining district, reopening tomorrow, I guess they're getting all of their ducks in a row. We've already told you about the rules they've put into place but now there's something on Disney's website that's the most ominous and dead serious (for Disney) thing I've ever seen:
Wow, that's some pretty heavy stuff. I mean, that type of "doom and gloom" is not typical Disney. Not at all. Yet they have it on at least two pages of their website ( here and here).
I totally get it. We live in a very litigious society. People will sue theme parks for just about anything...like when this happened. Disney's lawyers undoubtedly know that if some people go to WDW and then wind up with coronavirus, they're going to be looking to sue. Whether the COVID can be traced back to their trip to WDW doesn't matter (and let's face it - the U.S. is NOT seriously looking at contact tracing); they'll still sue. So they're covering their own butts by telling potential guests that any public place could potentially expose them to COVID-19 & if they visit WDW, they're voluntarily putting themselves at risk.
But still - this is the most "unDisney" thing I've ever seen come from Disney.
#stayhealthy #staysafe #washyourhands
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