A group of protesters busted through the doors of a Subway with their guns blazing -- but it wasn't to shoot the place up ... they were just hangry for some footlongs, apparently.

A photojournalist for the News & Observer in Raleigh, NC recently captured these surreal pics and shared them on social media, showing about a dozen "mostly-armed" reopen demonstrators hitting up a Subway mid-protest to get their sandwich fix, firearms in hand.

A group of about 11 mostly-armed demonstrators protesting the stay at home order marched around downtown Raleigh and ordered sandwiches at a Subway. #Covid_19 #ncpol #MealTeamSix pic.twitter.com/XA1BIU7JHH

- Travis Long (@vizjourno) May 9, 2020@vizjourno

The photos are wild -- you see these folks tightly holding their rifles and other artillery weapons as they browse the menu to see what they wanna nosh on. It's like they put their lunacy on pause and became regular people again ... if only for a moment.

Also, peep the dude with the AT-4 rocket launcher strapped across his back. It's got the word "INERT" labeled on it, which many say means it's a fake/replica and not actually functional or dangerous. Stilllll, how crazy is it that he walked in there with that at all???

Even more bonkers is the fact that the Subway workers served them -- but hey when you got a mini militia rolling up and asking for a bite ... you might just do what they say.

