Pretty much everywhere it's advised or required that you wear a mask/face covering when going out in public (including on most U.S. airlines starting this week). I know it's a little uncomfortable and awkward at first, but you get used to it. It's just the new normal. It's like when I first started wearing a grind guard for my teeth at night. It took me days to get used to it but now it's weird for me to sleep without it.
My one big beef with wearing a mask is that it fogs up my sunglasses, making it difficult to see during the day. (Fortunately, I don't wear eye glasses except when reading so that hasn't been an issue like it has been for others.) But there's good news! Two British emergency room doctors-Dr. Sheraz Shafi Malik and Dr. Shahbaz Shafi Malik-have shared a way to keep your glasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask. As told by the medical journal Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England:
"Immediately before wearing a face mask, wash the spectacles [glasses] with soapy water and shake off the excess. Then, let the spectacles air dry or gently dry off the lenses with a soft tissue before putting them back on. Now the spectacle lenses should not mist up when the face mask is worn."
If this trick can keep glasses from fogging up in the emergency room, it can certainly work walking around town or in a grocery store.
H/t to CNN Health.
Give this a try and let me know how it works for you in the comments below!
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