Scott Disick is enraged he's been betrayed by the rehab facility he's been staying at ... he's checked himself out and is going to sue.

Scott has been staying at the All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado since last Tuesday. There are reports he's there for cocaine and alcohol abuse ... he's struggled with substance abuse in the past.

His lawyer, Marty Singer, says, well a lot. For starters, Singer says Disick was NOT there for coke and booze. He says, "In an effort to finally come to terms and deal with the pain that Scott has been silently suffering for many years due to the sudden death of his mother, followed by the death of his father 3 months later, Scott made the decision to check himself into a rehab facility last week to work on his past traumas."

We're told he was quarantining in L.A. by himself and it gave him time to realize he had not properly dealt with the death of his parents.

As for Scott's photo that was taken inside the rehab facility ... Singer says it's an outrageous HIPAA violation.

Scott's team believes the photo was taken by a staff member and not a patient, and that could trigger criminal prosecution. We're told the photo was taken of Scott upon his check-in to the facility.

As soon as he learned of the photo leak, Scott immediately called for a car to pick him up, and he's now left the facility and is en route back to L.A.

Though Disick and Co. maintain this has nothing to do with drugs or alcohol, he has struggled over the years -- in and out of rehab at least 3 times ... not to mention at least one hospitalization as a result of substance use. It wasn't until he started dating Sofia Richie in 2017 that he cleaned up his act.

Originally Published -- 5/4 3:37 PM PT
