Banks that issue credit cards always have one goal in mind, to get you to use their card before any of the other cards you have. Whether it's by offering 0% interest on purchases or by giving you cash or rewards points, the reason is the same. When you use the card, the bank earns a percentage of each swipe. There's also a chance you'll carry a balance or forget a payment by one day and then they'll hit you with extra fees and interest charges.
Until 2020, the bonus categories for the most expensive cards centered around two areas, travel and dining. There were subtle differences in the cards where some would bonus airfare and others would reward all travel expenses. Ridesharing bonuses were also trending with Uber and Lyft partnering with AMEX and Chase respectively.
Then almost overnight, most of the spending at restaurants and all travel expenditures stopped.
Millions of people were being asked to stay at home, work from home, teach their kids from home, and eat at home.
Banks are trying to capture whatever share of the new economy that they can. The first place they looked was spending done online with Citi and AMEX offering increased point earning in those categories.
However, it's Chase that's making the next big move and offering targeted bonuses on the other new trendy spending category, grocery stores.
There are plenty of cards that offer bonus points for spending at supermarkets.
Currently, we are using our JetBlue Plus card and our IHG Premier. Both of these cards earn 2X points at grocery stores, but more importantly, we're still meeting minimum spending requirements, which will earn more points than any other card's bonus category.
That's until I received an unexpected offer in my email today, which may shift some of that spending to a card currently at the back of the drawer.
With restrictions on travel limiting the ability to earn reward points for stays, we are increasing the number of points you will earn on grocery store purchases to help you keep earning toward your next vacation.
From May 1 through July 31, 2020 , you'll earn a total of 6X Points on up to $5,000 spent at grocery stores with your Marriott Bonvoy™ Card. No enrollment or activation required. We will travel again. Until then, stay safe, stay healthy.
This offer was sent to my Chase Marriott Bonvoy Premier card. That's the personal card that I never upgraded to the Bonvoy Boundless. It usually earns 1 point per dollar spent at grocery stores, so this is an extra 5 Marriott Bonvoy points per dollar.
It appears that Chase is going to be targeting all types of the Bonvoy cards with this offer.
You will earn a total of 6 points for each $1 spent on up to $5,000 in total purchases made in the grocery store category from 5/1/20 to 7/31/20. For Marriott Bonvoy Boundless™, Marriott Bonvoy™ Premier Plus Business, and The Ritz- Carlton™ Credit Cardmembers that's 4 points on top of the 2 points you already earn on grocery purchases with your card. For Marriott Bonvoy Bold™, Marriott Bonvoy™, Marriott Bonvoy™ Premier, and Marriott Bonvoy Business™ Credit Cardmembers that's 5 points on top of the 1 point you already earn on grocery purchases with your card
You do need to be targeted for this offer but if you are, there's no registration required.
Marriott Bonvoy points aren't worth as much as other currencies, but I've been able to find some great uses for them. Even if you value them around 1 cent each, that's a 6% rebate on your grocery expenses. And if you're like us, that's one category that's taking up a large part of our budget right now.
#stayhealthy #stayathome #washyourhands
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