We recently asked New York readers to share scenes from their daily lives during the coronavirus pandemic for a new open-ended series we hope will help all of us see beyond our limited perspectives amid this unprecedented and often isolating experience. Here is another collection of your images. We hope you will continue to share your own scenes with us by emailing them to scenes@nymag.com. View the previous installment here, or browse the series archive here.
Regarding the above photo, reader Kaveh sent in a few of this kid in a mask and gloves skipping stones on the East River.
"Me and a colleague working at night in the hospital processing SARS-CoV-2 samples for COVID-19 testing."
"I try to take a walk early every morning and alternate between Central Park and Riverside Park. As an Upper West Side resident since 1995, I'm embarrassed to admit I have not really taken the time to explore our gorgeous parks (other than bike riding along the greenway)."
"From inside the Oculus today of essential workers having a socially distanced chat. Totally jarring to see so few people in that massive white space. Even more 2001: A Space Odyssey than usual."
"I've been loving your coverage of New Yorkers in lockdown mode across the city and wanted to share this photo from our self-quarantine in Fort Greene, a DIY When Harry Met Sally themed date night. Katz's never closes (and still delivers!)."
"Down here in Bay Ridge, most of us are good about masking up - even when we've got a fast set of wheels."
"Lockdown in Kampala, Uganda. This street is always bustling with life and activity. It is lined with all manner of kiosks that are now closed. On the right is a tertiary institution. The flat on the left is a students' hostel, desolate at the moment."
"Easter on an empty Broadway in BK."
You can view the rest of the series here. We'll publish the next collection soon and hope you'll keep the submissions coming - you can send them in by emailing scenes@nymag.com.