Thinking about changing your own oil? While I won't teach you how to do that (you can find tutorials for your specific car on YouTube), let me help you make sure you know which tools and materials are needed ahead of time to get the job done.

While most repair shops across the United States are still open and deemed essential on a federal level, many people are avoiding leaving their homes for things like routine maintenance. I wouldn't normally recommend changing your oil yourself. A lot could go wrong if you aren't super careful and it isn't always worth it at the end of the day. However, these aren't typical times and you may want to try your hand at a project that, if done right, is simple and straightforward.

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Now, you don't need a funnel to do an oil change, but it can save you the hassle of spilling oil everywhere when you are filling up. is inexpensive and worth having in your oil changing kit.

Of course, you'll also need . Make sure you grab the right viscosity and type of oil. Your owners manual or oil cap should help you identify that. Most cars take five quarts or less, making a big bottle like this one perfect for the job. However, oil is also sold in 1 quart bottles in case your car takes more than 5.

Everything You'll Need

There you have it. All the tools and materials you'll need to do an oil change on most vehicles. This article does not teach you how to change your own oil, but rather provides you with a list of the basics you will need to get the job done right.

Do your research before you gat started, have the proper tools (these are basics, you may want to invest in higher quality options if you plan on doung it regularly), and of course, take your time.

Stay vigilant, tighten all the bolts (but don't over tighten), and have at it. Remember, used oil must be disposed of according to federal and local laws. Some states require shops to accept used oil for disposal at no cost.
