A super-popular weekend spot in the nation's capital was super dangerous Saturday, when crowds of people swarmed into a relatively tight space, squarely violating social distancing rules.

Check out the pic of the Wharf, where lots of locals descend to buy fresh seafood ... especially crab legs and shrimp.

D.C. has a stay-at-home order, but people are allowed to go out and shop. Problem here ... they're WAY too close together. Notice the sign, warning people to stay 6 feet apart.

Some are wearing masks ... but most aren't.

It's actually pretty incredible because at this point you have to be living under a rock not to understand the need to keep your distance.

The Deputy Mayor shut the market down Saturday night.

As we reported, mayors of various cities have shut these open markets down. TMZ first reported, Katherine Schwarzenegger blew the whistle on shoppers at the Brentwood Farmers Market last weekend, and when she did Mayor Eric Garcetti swiftly shut the market down until safety measures were enacted.
