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A small group of senior aides and allies to Sen. Bernie Sanders are urging him to call it quits and drop out of the presidential contest. Among the people who are urging the Vermont. Senator to rethink his strategy and withdraw from the race are his campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington, who is a top surrogate for Sanders, according to the Washington Post. It's clear not everyone who is close to the senator feels the same way but Sanders' campaign is not explaining what his path to victory would be, notes Politico.

Although still technically possible, Sanders would have to gather up 60 percent of the remaining delegates to win the nomination, a highly unlikely scenario considering he was only able to achieve that in Nevada and Vermont this year. As that reality sinks in, it seems Sanders himself is giving more thought to the idea of dropping out of the race. And that may very well become more likely if he loses big in Tuesday's Wisconsin primary as polls currently suggest.

There seems to be a clear divide among Sanders allies between those who are closer to the Democratic Party and have been more clear on insisting that he analyze the possibility of dropping out. There is a broad concern among many of these aides and allies of the narrative that could take hold blaming Sanders for a failure to unite Democrats around Biden. Others, however, insist there is a clear reason to continue obtaining as many delegates as possible. Sanders needs at least 1,200 delegates, compared to the 914 he has now, to have negotiating power at the convention. If he drops out before reaching that number, "it's going to be Biden's people writing the platform, that's it," said Larry Cohen, a top ally who is one of the most vocal advocates of Sanders staying in the race.

The latest big name to call on Sanders to drop out is his doppelganger. Larry David, who often plays Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live, said the Vermont senator should end his campaign for the presidency. "I feel he should drop out," David told the New York Times in an interview published Saturday. "Because he's too far behind. He can't get the nomination. And I think, you know, it's no time to fool around here. Everybody's got to support Biden."
