"Do you have a pint glass? Or any glass that holds a pint? Do you have a spoon? A normal, adult spoon? Do you have a knife? Any size that's not a joke? Do you have booze? Do you have ice?
"Congratulations, you have a bartending kit. You can execute 90% of all cocktails with these tools. Things that are typically shaken can actually be stirred. They won't be perfect, but they'll taste so close to right that you'll know if you did the cocktail right and if you like it. Cocktailing is like most other hobbies: it can be done with $15 worth of tools or with $1500 worth of tools, and largely the quality of the results will have more to do with the skill of the person rather than the expense of the tools." - CowboyLaw
Thank god all the liquor stores are still open!