The Governor of Florida - who wouldn't close the beaches during spring break, and is not planning a 'shelter in place order' restricting residents' movements - is imposing a mandatory 14 day quarantine on anyone flying into the state from New York.

His position - outlined while at The Villages retirement community - is that New Yorkers have fled to Florida to avoid the state's restrictions, and with "over 190 direct flights from the New York City area to Florida...every single flight has someone on it that is positive for COVID-19."

Since the "federal government had not put any domestic travel restrictions into place, Florida would take the initiative." His order applies to air travel from New Jersey as well. It does not, apparently, apply to passengers arriving from the New York area on connecting flights. It also does not apply to flights from Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Seattle.

If the federal government is not going to do any restrictions on domestic flights, what we're going to do in Florida, and I'll be issuing an executive order, anybody traveling from that region, New York, New Jersey, is going to have to do a mandatory 14-day self-isolation..that's the only way we can be sure that the virus is not going to be reintroduced into Florida and spread.

We're told to expect law enforcement and health officials meeting inbound aircraft "to conduct temperature checks" and instructing passengers to self-quarantine and that "staying with family - that's not self-quarantining."

Last week I wrote to expect domestic travel restrictions though they tend to make more sense for places where the virus is currently contained (to prevent people entering with it and starting a second wave).
