Etihad Guest verteilt in der aktuellen Situation Statusmeilen ...

Die Airlines zeigen sich gerade mehr oder weniger kulant gegenüber ihren Statusmitgliedern. Das Erfliegen von Statusmeilen ist ja gerade überhaupt nicht möglich und auch nicht ratsam.

Etihad Guest wählt eine eher bescheidene Lösung. Es wird für März, April und Mai ein Durchschnittswert für den Statuserhalt gutgeschrieben.

1. Who is eligible for the monthly Bonus Tier Miles
All active Etihad Guest Members are eligible for the monthly bonus Tier Miles.
2. How have Etihad Guest calculated the bonus Tier Mile amounts?
Amounts have been calculated as a monthly average of miles members earn flying with Etihad Airways and are required to maintain their existing Tier.
3. When do I get credited the bonus Tier Miles
The bonus Tier Miles will be automatically credited into your account by the last day of each eligible month.
4. From when is this effective?
The bonus Tier Miles will be credited starting 31 March, for three months ending May 2020. Extensions will be considered as more information comes available.
5. Where will it show?
The monthly bonus Tier Miles will show in your account, and you can check your balance in your monthly e-statement
6. Does it apply for members within a Family Membership?
Yes, each member will be credited their respective bonus Tier Miles.
7. Is this applicable for Etihad Guest Miles?
Only Tier Miles will be credited to your account."

Hier mehr: Etihad Guest Bonus Tier Miles - COVID-19 Support

Eine echte Statusverlängerung behält man sich vor.

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