New York is hitting pause amid the coronavirus pandemic ... the entire state is shutting down to protect residents from the outbreak.

New Yorkers will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential business, and all other workers are being told to stay home, as ordered by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who says there will be a civil fine and mandatory closure for any biz not in compliance.

Cuomo is calling this, "New York state on pause," and he says it's the most drastic action the state can take to fight the outbreak.

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The shutdown rules -- remain indoors aside from solitary exercise outside, pre-screen all visitors and aides by taking temperatures, don't visit households with multiple people, vulnerable people should wear a mask around others, stay at least 6 feet away from individuals, only take public transportation if it's urgent and absolutely necessary.

Cuomo says the state has more than 7,000 confirmed coronavirus cases ... this out of more than 32,000 individual tests.

New York follows the entire state of California in putting non-essential workers on 24-hour virus lockdown ... meaning 1 in 5 Americans are being told to stay home.

Cuomo says the mandate is not a "shelter in place" order ... and he says mass transit workers, restaurant staff doing delivery and take-out count as essential workers and can still go to work.
