If you're home with little ones, you are not alone! Mom of two over here trying to bring some normalcy to our lives right now while also working, keeping our house in order, cooking every meal for us all and trying to take care of myself. It's a juggle but a temporary one and one that I feel needs to be handled well and with care, especially when it comes to our children.

Our children are wildly intuitive and soak up everything. To that end, I've noticed my two-year-old's spirit was a little low and her behavior has been different the last few days. I think she's feeling it just like we are. She's been crying more, isn't sleeping well, hasn't been listening, is more out of control than her usual 2-year-old self 😜 and has been jumping into my arms for much needed, very long hugs.

So, to help get us all on track, I implemented a new strict routine (schedule below) to bring a sense of structure to our altered life with the help of my girlfriend Allysa who's a teacher and mom herself. She also provided a list of resources and classes for anyone who needs it!

Sample Schedule:
8am: Wake-up
8:30: Breakfast
9:00: Independent play
10:00: Class, activity or outdoor activity
11:00: Class, activity or outdoor activity
11:45: Lunch
12:15-12:30: Wind down for nap then nap
3:30: Snack
4:00: Class, activity or outdoor activity
5:00: Sensory activity at the dinner table while I make dinner
5:30: Dinner
6:00: Bath
6:30: Remaining night time routine
7:00: Bed

Activity Ideas:
Count the light switches
Nature walk
Build a fort
Stuffed animal bath party
Colored rice sensory table
Make a racetrack out of cardboard
Play I Spy
Wash your toys one by one
Finger paint
Draw with chalk

More Ideas:
5 Super Easy No-Prep Toddler Activities
NY Metro Parents Fun from Home
20 Toddler Activities

Virtual Classes:
Pre-K Math: MathMates123
Sesame Street | Preschool Games, Videos, & Coloring Pages to Help Kids Grow Smarter, Stronger & Kinder
Mel Science
Khan Academy
Jason Mesches Music class - Facebook live, daily at 10am PST
12 Virtual Museum Tours
Cincinnati Zoo - Facebook live, daily starting Mon 3/16 at 3p ET / 12p PT
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Museum of Math Mini-Camps
NASA Educational Resources
Google Arts & Culture Museums
The Exploratorium
Online library resources
" Color our Collections" (curated by New York Academy of Medicine)
Union Square Play (Daily activities listed)
Ramblin' Dan Music, Videos & Pics

Plus more ideas here.

Please leave ideas and what's working for you in the comments. Hope this all helps! xx


Geri H.

I'm an LA girl (who started this blog in 2005!!!!) with an affinity for wellness, clean food & lifestyle tidbits. Thank you for reading for all these years! xx
