There is an extreme amount of hand washing going on in the world at the moment. It's a very important precautionary measure against the spread of germs, but it can leave the skin on our hands dry, irritated, and even cracked. Perhaps most importantly, cracked skin can leave our hands vulnerable to infection.

My own hands feel like sandpaper, and the skin is sore if I don't moisturize and hydrate them regularly after hand washing. So I've compiled a collection of our forum's favourite hand creams and lotions. The roundup also includes favourites from my clients and friends. The assortment ranges greatly in formula, price point and scent. Some creams are scented, and others are scent-free. Some creams are free of parabens and relieve eczema. Some formulas are greasy and thick, and others are smooth and silky. Some formulas might not feel or smell as good when you use them, but are very effective. Some are pricey, and others as cheap as chips.

There are many hand creams here that I like. I've recently ordered a few new-to-me creams to try from this tried-and-tested assortment. Personally, I like a hand cream with a scent and don't mind the greasy aspect at all. I like it to be thick, rich, creamy, and a bit greasy. I like it to LAST for a while. I find that non-greasy and thin hand creams don't last on my skin type. They absorb too quickly and my hands feel dry again soon. My favourite hand creams are from "Library of Flowers" because they tick all of my boxes.

But the very best hand cream is the butter used in baking when you knead dough. My word, do my hands look and feel good after making a pie crust or crumble topping. Beautifully moisturized, supple, and exercised.

Over to you. What's your favourite hand cream and why? Let's add to this curated collection with your recommendations.
