We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI - prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
The tent has plenty of inside pockets and comes with a rain fly. Promising review: "I must have close to 100 nights in my Camp Dome. All of them have been car camping, mostly at designated camp sites. The ease of setup and breakdown are my favorite part about the tent. I can set this thing up in the pitch black with a flashlight in one hand in less than five minutes. Super basic design means not a lot of stuff to break. Most of the time I don't even use a footprint and floor fabric has held up great. If you're looking for a cheap, quality, car camping tent get this." - Gnarnia88 Get it from REI for $99.95 (available in two colors).
This yoga mat improved my ~practice~ by about a million percent. I used to be totally occupied by finding ways not to slip, but now I can just relax and focus on class. It's easy to clean, not too heavy to carry around, and is just...the best. 10/10. Promising review: "My feet and hands sweat during hot yoga practice and slipping has been a problem for me. I've tried yoga towels on top of my previous mat (Manduca) but they tend to bunch up and disrupt my practice. The Jade Harmony mat is much more grippy, and I don't use a towel anymore. It is also very light and easy to travel with. This is an excellent yoga mat." - CE the novice Yogi Price: $79.95 (available in two colors)