Many universities and high schools have closed this week in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

While this is a scary time, high school and college students are embracing being at home and finding the silver lining in all of this.

One guy in particular is going viral after he posted this "hack" for those attending virtual school.

There are even step-by-step instructions.

Or you can try this guy's somewhat less-high-tech version.

All you need is a printer.

Even for those paying attention, online school seems pretty chill TBH.

Live look at me working from home.

But be sure to take a lunch break!

Students are also sharing live looks into their virtual school experiences.

This guy seems pretty creative.

Although some classes are easier to do virtually than others.

Meanwhile, TikTok star @SnarkyMarky posted his interpretation of how professors are adjusting to teaching online.

Many predicted how awkward graduations will be this year if schools don't reopen.

But above all: Stay safe, everyone! And wash your damn hands.
