Contributors' opinions are their own.

Nowadays, new year's resolutions are a joke. Let's say it's true. It seems like breaking them seems like a good idea. Only a small percentage of Americans follow through with their resolutions.

This is something we face as business owners. We have goals or forecasts for our team. We commit ourselves to delivering a long list of lofty promises right from the start.

Do we make it through?

It would be very foolish of me to accuse you of not being able to cash your checks. That is exactly what you are doing. In the warm, cozy confines of the Christmas holidays and new year celebrations, you create all of the wonderful new milestone for your business.

Reality starts to hit. There are day to day operational issues. They all want to slow you down. You're getting ready for Christmas, having barely accomplished any of it.

Entrepreneurs should make resolutions every year.

The problem is that you tried to change too much!

You don't have to look for magic bullet solutions because your mind isn't set up for it. Almost all of your decisions are subconsciously made. Unless you can communicate your intentions favorably to your subconscious, you are unlikely to see them come to fruition.

Trust me, you have to work on your subconscious, even if you don't have time for it. Business is an extension of you. You made it and gave it purpose.

Your business will lose direction and focus if you are locked in a battle between your desires and emotional programming.

Here are three easy new years resolutions that business owners should make.

1. Make 'check-ins' a part of your everyday routine

I don't know what I'm talking about by this.

I'm talking about taking at least five or ten minutes a day to check in with yourself and take a break.

As we go through our day, we can get derailed. We carry the baggage of our encounters into our decisions.

You will be able to hear and let go of your frustration if you check in frequently. You'll be able to address your needs with a level head when your stuck states are freed. Your ability to lead and your team's ability to deliver will be improved.

Entrepreneurs need to take a break, that's why.

2. Take regular 'VIP Days'

I do this at least once or twice a month, but it's important to get your brain on board.

There is a day where you indulge in your favorite activities. This could be anything from shopping to a spa treatment.

You are hardwired to resist change due to millions of years of genetic wisdom. The change is not safe.

It's important to remember that this simple reasoning pre-dates globalization. It isn't aware of what your conscious mind is thinking. If you want to show your subconscious that you are a person who has taken chances, you should take a special day. It's not less.

Many of us are resistant to growth because we don't see ourselves as successful. You are stepping into becoming a new person when you enforce the taking of regularVIP days. Your subconscious will pay attention.

Do you want to change or let your business die?

3. Set micro-goals for your business

It's easy to say that this year we're going to aim to double growth in sales in a meeting on the first day of work.

It's your responsibility to set top level goals. You will not get there in a single leap.

I told you about your programming. It's going to be overwhelming for you and your team if you look at a high level goal like that. To achieve that end result, you need to think about the lower-level steps along the way.

Do you have a love or hate relationship with your goals?

You have a responsibility to understand what they are in the first place. You will be unstoppable if everyone can see the path clearly and understand how to execute their part in it.

Keeping them simple and limiting them to three is a way of avoiding a shutdown. The reason for giving your three personal resolutions is to better resource you in terms of your mental resilience so that you can deal with whatever comes your way.

The challenges of 2022 are likely to go on for a long time. If you equip yourself with the internal resources, you can hedge against them.