Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Vince McMahon wanted to regain creative booking power in the company before he agreed to join the board of directors, according to reports.
McMahon had a desire to return to running WWE creatively, but the decision was made for him to focus on a larger business related role.
McMahon retired from his positions in July after the board directors found that he paid multiple women millions of dollars to remain silent about sexual relationships and encounters with him.
McMahon's daughter took over as co-CEO with Khan. Triple H took over as head of creative.
Lauren Thomas of the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that McMahon intended to rejoin the board of directors in order to have a hand in the media rights negotiations. McMahon wants to find a buyer for the company.
McMahon's return to the board of directors was announced in a filing to the SEC.
Brandon Thurston @BrandonThurstonVince McMahon is back on WWE's board of directors.
A new filing says effective immediately Vince puts himself, Michelle Wilson, and George Barrios on the board and removes independent directors Alan Wexler, JoEllen Lyons Dillon, and Jeffrey Speed.
McMahon stated in his statement that he did not intend to affect the roles of the management team.
Triple H's status as head of creative will not be affected by McMahon's return, according to a letter sent by the company to its employees.
McMahon had been the head of creative at World Wrestling Entertainment since buying the company from his father in 1982, but he retired last year, leading many to think that he wanted to take that job again.
According to Meltzer's report, McMahon's return will not affect the company at a micro level, including the creative aspect, which has received praise for its improvement since Triple H's ascension to head.
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