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Despite being founded as a humanity-benefitting nonprofit, Openai now appears to be doing the opposite as it considers an investment that would make it worth nearly $30 billion.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Openai is considering an offer to sell a majority of its shares to venture capital firms that would value the company at $29 billion.

Turned Tables

The OpenAI of today is not the same as it was in 2015, when it was co-founded by Musk. Musk isn't the only one who isn't with the company anymore.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, created a for-profit arm in order to attract investment after initially proclaiming that the company was safe. Microsoft will invest $1 billion in Openai later in the year.

Musk stated just a month before the company's for-profit arm was announced that he didn't agree with the direction it was headed.

Scary Smart

Not all of the press has been good for Openai's neural networks. The firm initially claimed that it was too dangerous for the public to use, but it went ahead and released it anyway.

The company made further waves first with its next-level DALL-E2 image generator and then with its ChatGPT software, which generated text so human-sounding that academics freaked out over students potentially using it to write their papers.

It went from a pro-social research project to an industry-changing behemoth in seven years.

It's not a good look that it may or may not end up releasing powerful artificial intelligence into society when it was originally intended to be used to replace human workers.

There's more on Openai: In a fresh horror.