The new date is January 6, 2023.
The Bills said that Hamlin spoke to his teammates for the first time since he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field.
Hamlin spoke to teammates and family members for the first time since he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field.
Hamlin was able to talk to his family for the first time since he went into cardiac arrest after his breathing tube was removed overnight.
Ian Rapoport reported that Hamlin was able to communicate with his teammates via Facetime from a Cincinnati hospital.
In a press conference on Thursday, doctors at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center said Hamlin had been communicating with medical personnel in writing only and asked if the Bills won the game.
The Bills game against the Cincinnati was not made up and the playoffs will be delayed by one week because of Hamlin's death. Hamlin collapsed on the field seconds after making what appeared to be a routine tackle on the other team's receiver, and had to be resuscitated with cardiopulmonary assistance. Doctors at the University of Cincinnati said on Thursday that Hamlin regained movement in his hands and feet and that the next step is for him to be able to breathe on his own.
It is amazing to know the impact that this has had on so many people and for now Damar to be awake and his mother to be able to share that with him is incredible.
The Bills game was canceled after Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest.
Here is what we know about the incident at the Bills game.
What is the name of the person? It could have caused Hamlin's collapse, as young athletes are at greater numbers.