Neil deGrasse Tyson tried to claim that one of his old posts was doctored, but it turned out that the old post is still up.

A post Tyson made about a scene in the film "Interstellar" in which a truck drives over a bunch of flattened corn stalks was commented on by Cowing's account.

When the movie Interstellar came out, Tyson wrote about how a pickup truck can drive with a flat tire among corn stalks taller than it.

Cowing said it was one of his favorites from the Museum of Natural History. For some reason, Tyson chose to respond to NASA Watch this week, and even more bizarrely, claimed that the post was a fake.

"Dear NASAWatch, next time, please confirm that the critique you are giving is real, which in this case is not, through it's hilarious," he wrote. Try to verify that you take the side of the truth before you start arguing.

Tyson said just saying.

Hashtag #Jussayin

Cowing responded to the astronomer with his own "just sayin'-ass retort"

He wrote from his NASAWatch account that theInterstellar post was posted in 2014).

The space journalist got a key part of the mini-debacle wrong, too, as he claimed that Tyson had deleted it, but it was still up as of press time.

There you have it. Either he is lying or he is forgetting.

It's fun to watch a low-stakes spat on a social networking site.

There is more on the hell site.