Ian Rapoport said that Hamlin has been able to open his eyes and is responsive. The Buffalo Bills say that Hamlin has made "remarkable improvement" over the last day, and while still critically ill, it's clear that he has made "steady progress." Fans were updated on the condition of Hamlin, who has been in the intensive care unit since Monday. The Bills said that Hamlin has shown improvement over the past 24 hours. He seems to be neurologically intact even though he is critically ill. His lungs are healing and he is getting better. Hamlin's lungs were damaged during the emergency. Doctors say they are healed. The doctors said he's "neurologically intact" and that there was concern over the amount of time his brain was without oxygen. The entire country is praying for Damar's recovery. The president spoke about Hamlin on Wednesday. Hamlin's management team took to social media to thank fans for their support. There has been a lot of support for Damar. I would like to thank you for the calls, messages, and emails. Over the course of the night, Damar has made significant improvements. All of the first responders, doctors, and hospital staff have helped in this process. We will give you updates as they are available. Kaiir Elam wrote that the boy was doing better and was showing more signs of improvement. I would like to thank you. Please keep praying. All love 3. The story was originally published at 7:44 AM.