The news conference was held in Washington, DC.
Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty ImagesEvery lawmaker swears his oath of office on a foundation text. When the time comes, he will take his oath with three sentimental items, including the first edition comic of Superman.
"Superman is always the character that stood out and spoke to me the most, even though I've read almost all genres."
The vintage comic book was spotted by reporters in the House of Representatives as they prepared for the swearing-in of new members. He acknowledged that it was for him in a tweet. He borrowed the first edition of Superman from the Library of Congress, as well as a photograph of his parents who both died during the Pandemic, and he will be sworn in to congress with the Constitution.
Will be proudly sworn-in to Congress on the U.S. Constitution. Underneath the Constitution will be 3 items that mean a lot to me personally. A photo of my parents who I lost to covid, my citizenship certificate & an original Superman #1 from the @librarycongress. 🇺🇸😊
10:03 PM - 03 Jan 2023
Will take the oath of office on the U.S. constitution. Three items that mean a lot to me will be underneath the constitution. My citizenship certificate, an original Superman #1 and a photo of my parents are all missing.
As public servants ponder how they will take their oath, they get symbolic. President Joe Biden used a Bible that has been in his family for generations, as well as a Bible that was once owned by Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice. Growing up as an immigrant, the role comic books and superhero played in his life was significant.
As a child, I learned to read and write. He didn't stop reading.
He said that the values he grew up with while reading Superman are the ones that he brings with him into his adult life.
If you look at Superman values, and caucus values, it's about justice, it's about honesty, and I was raised by good people.
The former mayor of Long Beach was elected to Congress.
It's not clear when he'll take the oath. The speaker of the House needs to be named by a majority of the House in order to move forward.