Contributors' opinions are their own.

The 1000 True Fans theory was proposed by Kevin Kelly. You will make money if you attract a lot of loyal fans to your business. This might not be realistic for a startup.

The initial goal was lowered to 100 loyal customers by the co- founder. She thinks businesses can succeed if they give their most loyal fans more value. It's hard to get 100 brand followers in a competitive environment. This goal can be achieved with a marketing strategy.

There are some things to consider before starting a startup.

Typical problems Fintech startups face

It's hard to find the first 100 grateful clients. There are strict requirements for new entrants.

The industry is easy to enter.

In the past four years, the number of startup companies in the U.S., Europe, and Asia-Pacific has tripled. People like using mobile banking apps. There are more project ideas for the financial industry.

Users do not give sensitive data to new apps.

Financial apps with a large audience and positive reviews are trusted by users. Although the App Store checks each platform for safety and quality before publication, not everyone buys new products.

A startup should create a marketing strategy that attracts users and converts them into loyal customers.

The business doesn't know how to convert customers into leads.

To make a product visible and demanded, startup initiators need to know how to convert one-time visitors into leads.

An efficient sales funnel introduces a product to users and leads them to buy it. An advanced Fintech marketing strategy will help to build scenarios of interaction with each customer type to accompany them in sales until they purchase a product

A successful Fintech marketing strategy can help a business get its first 100 customers. Here are five ways to get a new customer.

1. Use personalization to communicate with your target audience

80% of users prefer brands that offer personalization

All customers are unique and should be remembered that software solutions can be tailored to specific purposes. Users are interviewed by specialists to find out what their problems are.

The division of the target audience will help communicate with customers. Artificial intelligence will help you create targeted text messages and recommend products and services.

Is it possible to launch a fintech startup? This is how we built ours.

2. Convince customers with powerful words: Build a content promotion strategy

Users look for software solutions on the internet. They find relevant material when they enter a search term. People's desire to learn more can be used by marketers to build a content promotion strategy.

To create useful content and answer customers' concerns, it's important to find the right words. You can write an article about the advantages of your financial software. The investment apps should mention your product. Tell a story about a customer who solved a problem using your app.

Potential customers will be encouraged to try a free version of the product, sign up for a demo or purchase a discounted subscription by reading various content.

3. Take care of the visual component of a Fintech app

Product branding has been shown to have an impact on the decision-making process. People buy a digital product based on the navigation, colors, styles, and focus of the product.

The message of the text, the size of the fonts and the distance between elements are all important. Targeted actions are encouraged by the combination of these.

Design a landing page with key psychological principles in mind. Priority buttons will be placed so that users can find them quickly. There is a call-to-action element.

4. Make gamification in financial software your trump card

Non-gaming app creators are interested in gamifying. Customers feel successful when they use apps. It's easier to interact with financial programs with this mechanism in place.

Gamification can be used to get people to buy something. Customers would want a platform with a fitness tracker. If you reach a fitness goal of 10,000 steps, you can get an interest rate of 3%. Investment education in a simulation environment sounds like a good idea.

You can surprise customers by advertising financial product game features.

There are examples of great content marketing.

5. Resort to referral Fintech marketing

Word of mouth is more trusted than traditional advertising when it comes to buying things. Nine out of 10 buyers still trust reviews of their friends.

Referred clients can reach the target figure of 100 clients quicker. It's a great way to get new customers. If you can get your first users to tell their friends about your brand, you can give them a pleasant bonus.

Customers will tell a better story of a product than marketers will. From the user's point of view, they show the benefits of the brand. To find out what your clients want, conduct a survey. You have to work with them until you get the right amount of loyal customers.

We have pointed out five ways to get your first 100 clients. Use different combinations of marketing activities to start small. You can find a formula for success through trial and error.