The mastermind of the college admissions cheating scandal, Rick Singer, was sentenced in federal court on Wednesday to 42 months in prison.
Rick Singer was sentenced on Wednesday after pleading guilty.
Singer was ordered to pay $10 million in back taxes.
Singer, a former college counselor behind the nonprofit Key World Foundation and The Edge College & Career Network, had pleaded guilty in 2019.
Federal prosecutors had asked for six years in prison, three years of supervised release and $10.6 million in restitution to the IRS and the forfeiture of $8.7 million for Singer.
If the judge ruled prison time was necessary, Singer's attorneys asked for three years of supervised release and a maximum of six months in jail.
33 parents, 13 coaches, college test administrators and other associates of Singer are among the 57 people charged in the investigation. The defendants faced jail time for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services fraud after paying Singer to make their kids' records look better. Mossimo was sentenced to five months in prison for paying $500,000 in bribes to get his two daughters into USC. Singer admitted to a federal judge that he bribed SAT andACT college admission test administrators, paid college coaches to lie about students' ethnicities to get them into college, and used affirmative action to get students into universities. During the investigation, Singer wore a wire and recorded calls with clients. He told a federal judge in Boston that he knew what he was doing was illegal.
In September of last year, she was sentenced to two weeks in prison, 250 hours of community service and ordered to pay a $30,000 fine for paying $15,000 to cheat on her daughter's SAT scores. Loughlin paid $500,000 to Singer to get her daughters admitted to USC as crew team recruits despite not having been on a crew team before.
It's worth $25 million. That is how much Singer took from his clients to bribe coaches and college administrators, according to federal prosecutors.
The mastermind of college-admissions cheating faces sentencing.
There are 30 fast facts about the college admissions scandal.
Rick Singer is in a college admissions scandal.