HOLLYWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 21: Robert Patrick attends the premiere of... The photo was taken by Paul Archuleta of Film Magic.
You can hear Robert Patrick's portrayal of a legendary comic book character in the Marvel's Wastelanders podcasts, which will run through January.
You won't want to miss it if the character is close to you. The actor voiced an olderLogan in the Wastelanders: Wolverine podcast which aired this past summer. Both series are available on the internet.
Valeria Richards, the smartest woman on Earth, is stopped by a group of people in Wastelanders.
Thirty years after Red Skull killed the X-Men, the Avengers, and nearly every other superhero, a traumatized Wolverine is left picking up the pieces of now President Skull's destruction and set out to hunt him down.
Patrick has appeared in a number of hit films and television shows, including The Sopranos, Cop Land, The X-Files, and Walk The Line.
Jenny Turner Hall recruited the veteran actor.
Patrick said that he was flattered after talking to Hall and that he looked a lot like the comic book version of the character. She was excited that I could portray the older Wolverine. It was a great prospect.
James Mangold's movie,Logan, and the chance to play an older superhero in an upcoming movie were very exciting to me.
The audio theater of the past was given a boost by the WastelandersPodcast. The sound quality is amazing. Theater of the mind received a huge upgrade.
His voice is rich and gravelly and has a long history of experience. A world that wears itself down. He's not completely broken. Patrick had a take on the character. It's a warm place, especially for the younger generation. There's a dry sense of humor.
This is the only thing I want in the movie. Robert is the epitome of an actor. He's smart, kind, open-minded, gifted, hard-working, and man-oh-man What a Voice. You can still listen to him on the show. I can't.
Jenny was inspired by her grandfather who fought on the front lines of World War 2 and had a soft spot for Hall's grandmother.
Patrick described his grandfather as a larger-than-life character who was awarded a Bronze Star medal for his service in the Korean War and played football at the University of New Hampshire.
Robert was able to nail both a unique and traditional growl as a part of his portrayal of the character.
Robert said he just went for it and she loved it. She reminded me of different intensities and levels. She and the director of the second set of podcasts did a great job of understanding it. I did about eight episodes by that time. I knew what I wanted to do.
You just have to take it. You would not believe what they filmed me doing. It's difficult. I was exhausted. I would be in that booth for a long time. When I was done, I'd be exhausted. I'm trying to show the physical nature of the person.
'Wastelanders' is a comic book.
There was something familiar with it and perhaps similar to Hugh Jackman and Cal Dodd's (X- Men: The Animated Series), although Patrick didn't study other Wolverine portrayals so his.
After watching James Mangold's Walk The Line and Cop Land, he became a fan of the director. Patrick thought Mangold did a great job in the movie because he got into the conflict between the two characters. Robert said, "He did a great job with the character"
The light, the dark and his inner turmoil are some of the qualities that have attracted so many fans to the character.
Patrick's work portraying villains like the T-1000 in T2 would be very useful when approaching the character's conflict.
'X-men: Wastelanders'.
Jenny said, "He's a hero with demons!" Robert's portrayal of the co-mingling of the light and the dark is so convincing.
The dialogue between Hall and Patrick was always positive.
Robert said there were good and bad things. I think we can relate to that. We all have that in our nature and how we handle it.
This is what the arts are about. We can look at it through a superhero or a superhero.
How do we deal with that every day? It is very interesting to people. To help us understand ourselves and how we fit in the world and what's happening around us is one of the things the movies are for.
After hitting the ball out of the park in T2, Patrick's career took off.
There are a lot of reasons for that film to stand the test of time. Robert said that Judgment Day's success wasn't just what he did, but what everyone did as well. Jim didn't want to see any expressions on my face while we were making the movie.
It was difficult to be an actor. He said, "Yes, that's enough." I would like you to do that. There was no effort. If you want to be expressionless, try to.
The physical nature of the role made it difficult for Patrick to express his feelings.
There are parts of the T-1000 that look intense and you can see some effort. Robert told me that it was difficult. When you're running it was very hard. When you're doing a full wind sprint you have to breathe through your nose and not show any effort. It is difficult.
If Jim had wanted it the way he wanted it, you wouldn't see any effort. I wanted to convey this intense, resilient, targeted robot, liquid metal, that I wanted to convey when I was auditioning for the film. I mean, the whole idea of how you do that.
"Terminator 2" clip presented in Windows Media high definition video with 5.1 surround sound.
Patrick looked to animal life and created his own type of motion to embody the unstoppable force that he saw in the T-1000.
We looked to nature for animals. I came up with the idea of the walk and the run as a way of presenting it so that it will create a relentless artificial intelligence.
The project passed $1 billion in two weeks.
The man pushes himself. Patrick said that he knows the limits and tries to stretch them. He asks more of everybody that works with him because he's constantly learning and pushing and asking more of himself.
Three episodes of The Sopranos were written by Robert.
The Sopranos has publicity still for the show.
David Chase gave Jimmy the opportunity of a lifetime because he was a character actor. He was made the leader of the show. He took that responsibility very seriously and I think he embodied Tony.
The portrayal of Tony Soprano was so famous because of his unique acting career, according to Patrick.
Robert said that he never saw himself as a leading man. He looked at it from a different perspective. All the great actors he had around him were great as well. The writing was really good.
The fact that Jimmy was a character actor first and had been given an opportunity and became a leading man is one of the big things for why he was the way.
The relationship Robert had with James was unforgettable.
We really wanted to play when I first arrived. Patrick said they had a lot of fun. He appreciated it when I got his anger up a few times. We had fun because he knew where I was from. We had a good time. I don't know if I'll ever see that guy again. He's a great guy.