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If we were ever to make contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization, scientists at the recently opened SETI Post-Detection Hub at the University of St Andrew's in Scotland have a daunting task ahead of them.

They warn that if aliens came in contact with us, we would be unprepared.

The Post-Detection Hub at the University of St Andrew's made a lot of mess when COVID hit. We would be headless chickens.

"For an event that could happen at any time and which we cannot afford to mismanage, we cannot afford to be ill-prepared," he said.

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They are asking the question of what comes next after we have scanned the skies for signals from aliens.

He will be tasked with coordinating an international and unified response to any alien contact, something that will require an immense amount of paperwork and bureaucracy.

He told the Guardian that strategies and scenarios are needed to understand what we need to do and how to do it.

He isn't afraid to have humanity respond to alien calls. Many argue that giving up our location could lead to disaster.

If there's another intelligence out there, it's such an opportunity to link up.

He said that if we have the chance, we should take it.

Who decides what to do if aliens contact us? The Guardian is published by The Guardian.

The scientists are preparing for alien contact.