The Wall was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show four years ago. When it comes to the new display technology, the company will offer 50-, 63-, 76-, 89-, 101-, 114- and 140-inch MicroLED models. The company claimed that the new models are its most affordable MicroLED TVs to date. Since a few of the sets are smaller than any of the MicroLED TVs, you won't need to pay for a professional to install them in your home
The MicroLED line will set the standard for picture quality in the future, according to the company. That isn't a mere boast from the company, judging from the 76-inch model's topline features The set has a variable refresh rate. 20-bit black detail is also offered.
The new flagship of the Neo QLED line will be the first set to get upgraded. The QN900C has a panel that can max out at 4,000 nits of brightness. The QN900C has a 14-bit back light. Thanks to a tweaking of the company's software, the TV gives even better contrast. When viewing older movies and TV shows, you will be able to see better picture quality thanks to the inclusion of its new Auto HDR Remastering algorithm.
There is a 4K set called the QN935C. The power board on the new 4K flagship is less than 20mm thick and has a redesign that eliminates the need for an External Connection Box. The QN935C has top-firing speakers that allow it to produce sound without a soundbar. Thanks to the fact that the entire 2023 Neo QLED line will feature Thread Matter all-in-one modules, the QN900C and QN935C can be used as a smart home hub.
The new QD-OLED technology was launched by the Korean company. An all-new 77-inch model is included in the expansion of the line. The 2023 QD-OLED TV line will offer up to 2,000 nits of peak brightness thanks to the inclusion of the new "Hyper Efficient EL" OLED material and the new "Inteli Sense" artificial intelligence. The panels of the new ones are more energy efficient. The company went out of its way to get the panels certified. Pricing for the QD-OLED line was not announced. The details will come in the next few weeks.