The safety account of the platform said on Tuesday that political advertising will be expanded in the coming weeks. Major ad agencies recommended against buying ads on the platform because of the ban on political advertising, but now the company is relaxing its rules.

Under the new policies, it is not clear what will happen. The return of political ads could have a big impact on the platform. We asked about the dissolution of the press office, but we don't expect a response.

This isn't the only change that will be announced on Tuesday. The company is relaxing its policies regarding cause-based ads in the US. We found changes on a website that indicated what was happening.

According to the page, ads should not have the primary goal of driving political, judicial, legislative, or regulatory outcomes. Advertisers whose cause-based ads target only within the United States are exempt from the above- listed restrictions.

The change is justified by the fact that cause-based advertising can facilitate public conversation. It is not clear if the rules will be loosened in other places.

It will align its advertising policy with that of TV and other media. It says that with any changes, it will make sure that the approach to reviewing and approving content protects people on the platform.

A screenshot with two tweets from @TwitterSafety.
@TwitterSafety’s latest tweets about advertising policy changes.
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge