Russians should not be afraid of death, because death is inevitable, according to Russian propagandist VladimirSolovyov.

On the air of his program is a Russian state-owned television station.

Life is not worth much. Why worry about what will happen? We will be going to heaven all the time. Death is the end of a path and the beginning of something else. Let it affect your decisions.

The participants of the TV show said that Russians used to live from day to day, but now they have a higher goal.

It is worth living only for what you can die for, according to the propagandist.

He said that the Russian soldiers at the front understood what they were fighting for.

Russian propagandists said that the Russians were fighting Satan.

There is a background to this.

  • According to Putin, 300,000 people joined the military during the first wave, and 150,000 were sent to Ukraine.

  • Putin said the partial mobilisation was over. The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces reported that Russia continues to draft people despite official statements that the deployment was over.

  • Russian's have been urged by the Ukrainian government to give up.

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