The US is locked in a space race with China and the country needs to watch out that the other doesn't gain a foothold and try to dominate lunar resources
The space race is still going on.
Bill Nelson, a former NASA administrator, warned that China could eventually claim to own the moon's resources.
The next two years will determine which country has an advantage over the other.
Nelson said that we are in a space race They don't get to a place on the moon under the guise of scientific research, that's true. It is possible that they say keep out and this is our territory.
Nelson said that Chinese aggression over islands in the South China Sea was evidence of its territorial ambition. He told them to look at what they did with the islands.
China's space program put up an Earth-orbiting space station last year. The third phase of the program, to establish a lunar research station near the moon's south pole, is scheduled to begin in the year 2025.
The Chinese government offered a vision for a crewed lunar landing in December. China wants to land taikonauts on the moon by the end of the decade.
The Artemis I mission took pictures of the moon. Future missions aim to establish more activity on the moon. The US is focused on another planet.
The US military brass is worried about Chinese security concerns.
It is possible that they could catch up and surpass us. The progress they've made has been amazing.
The motives behind China's space push have not been accepted by Beijing. The Chinese embassy in Washington does not believe in wrestling in outer space.
Some US officials misrepresented the normal and legitimate space endeavors of China, according to the spokesman.
The statement said that China always advocates the peaceful use of outer space, opposed the weaponization of and arms race in outer space, and works to build a community with a shared future for mankind in the space domain.