The release of the "Fauci Files" was teased by Musk on Sunday, following his criticism of Fauci.

I hope you're having a good day. It won't be boring.

A user responded to Musk's comment by saying that they were waiting for the endocannabinoids to come back. The billionaire said it would happen later this week.

Fauci was targeted by Musk when he said his pronouns were Prosecute.

—Rep. Dean Phillips 🇺🇸 (@RepDeanPhillips) December 11, 2022

Fauci said in an interview that Musk's comments "stir a lot of hate in people." Fauci stated that his safety was at risk. He said that he had armed federal agents.

Musk said that several employees had an internal channel on Slack. He posted a message saying that he wanted to change the policy and follow the science.

The New York Times reported that Fauci had fan portraits of himself adorning his home office. He said that maybe he just loves looking at science.

Fauci had previously announced he was stepping down from his multiple roles at the end of the year.

The journalists who were appointed by Musk have been talking about the scandals that have arisen from what are known as the TWITTER files. The decision to prohibit former President Trump from using his social media accounts was made internally.

The CEO and some journalists are not happy that the press hasn't supported the files.