The incoming head of Petrobras said on Sunday that the tax-cut measure would be extended for 60 days.

Jean Paul Prates, the next chief executive officer of Petrobras, said that this would give him great peace of mind.

According to Prates, the exemption from federal taxes may end for gasoline, ethanol and vehicular natural gas in March because it was intended to cushion the period of high prices. The tax exemptions for diesel and cooking gas are expected to last until the end of the year.

The proposal will be released Sunday evening and will be effective immediately, he said.

The federal tax on diesel, cooking gas, gasoline, and other fuels was abolished last year.

The incoming government's plans appear to have changed after Prates' announcement. The finance minister told reporters last week that he wouldn't seek an extension of the tax cut.

Prates supports changes in the fuel price policy, but said that the issue will be discussed with all interested parties so that there won't be any shocks.