More works entered the public domain after the Copyrights on works from 1927 expired on Sunday.
The case-book of the famous detective was entered into the public domain.
The Gangs of New York, The Big Four, William Faulkner's Mosquitoes and Ernest Hemingway's Men Without Women are some of the books entering the public domain.
The Jazz Singer, Wings, winner of the first Academy Award for outstanding picture, is one of the first feature-length films to enter the public domain.
Irving Berlin's "puttin' on the Ritz" is one of the musical compositions entering the public domain.
The Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 extended the life of the Copyrights from 1927 by three years.
The phrase "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" was not made public until Sunday.
The new wave of works entering the public domain are now fully available to be legally shared, performed, reuse, re-use, or sample. The copyrights from 1927 expired after a 95-year period. 75% of American silent films have been lost and are included in the Library of Congress' definition of a lost work. According to the director of Duke University's Center for the Study of the Public Domain, extended copyright terms have contributed to the loss of our cinematic heritage.
There are all the best books entering the public domain.