Image for article titled IDIOT OF THE YEAR No. 1: Herschel Walker

Herschel Walker changed his name to a generation IDIOT of the year in 2022. He showed his full range of idiocy in the year 2022. Each week, the former UGA and NFL running back humiliated himself in pursuit of power and influence that he seemed to have no plans to give up. He ran for one of Georgia's Senate seats and was unsuccessful, his own son turned against him and he ended up in a personal life of disarray.

Walker was one of the worst candidates in Donald Trump's group of unelectable election-denying candidates. None of the Trump-backed candidates who ran for office during the recent election cycle boasted Walker's lousiness.

He called his ex-wife's genes awful, denigrating his looks and intelligence, and was seen as a liar by many people. That may be the reason why he didn't show up at debates as long as he had brown hair. His general election performance art starts with that.

He hid multiple children born out of wedlock decades apart from his own campaign and was anAbsent father to his children. He railed against black children without fathers. He denied the existence of systemic racism in his zeal to skewer African-Americans to appeal for support from a conservative white voting bloc. The feature was important to the campaign.

Herschel Walker was incensed by the Supreme Court's repeal of the precedent set by Wade. Walker might have known that the women he paid for abortions would hear this. Two women came forward with receipts in order to blast his hypocrisy.

Walker wasn't a good candidate. His oratorical skills were similar to a fifth grade student. His policy expertise was in fictional fairy tale creatures and he compared his resume to that of Barack Obama. Walker was given chaperones during media appearances to keep him from sticking his foot into his own mouth during the run-off.

The Lieutenant Governor of Georgia publicly stated that he couldn't vote for one of the worst candidates in GOP history. Walker embarrassed the state of Georgia by hiding under the rock he climbed out of.