If you missed out on the best books of the year, you may want to start looking for new ones in the new year. We compiled a list of some of the best ones to help you pick one that is right for you.

Some of the apps on this list are newer than others. The most popular book-related app, owned by Amazon, isn't included in this list because we're focused on newer, lesser-known platforms.


Storygraph app

The image is called StoryGraph.

StoryGraph is an app that allows you to track your reading. The app has a set of filters that you can mix and match. One of the reading challenges offered by the app is to read one book from every country in the world. Annual reading and page goals are included in StoryGraph.

The app gives users a series of questions that the platform will use to recommend a book to another user. StoryGraph can recommend a book to someone who is looking for a read that is emotional and fast-paced. You can rate using full, half or quarter stars, unlike Goodreads, which only allows you to rate on a full-star system.

StoryGraph is great for people who like to read. The app is free to download, but there is a $4.99 per month subscription plan that unlocks additional features.


The image is called Tertulia.

Tertulia uses machine learning to find out what books people are talking about by scanning online discussions. The first thing the app asks you is what kind of books you want to read. You can get recommendations from people you follow on social media, including fiction authors, feminist voices, journalists, book critics, scientists and more. The more books you read on the app, the better the recommendations will be for you.

The app helps you keep track of what you read by allowing you to browse books that are popular. If you live in the US, you can purchase a book from the app if you like it. Tertulia's app is easy to use.

Tertulia is a great place to find out what books are popular on the internet. The app is free to download and will be available on the phone soon.


Basmo app

The image is called Basmo.

Basmo is an app that helps you create a reading habit while also keeping track of your books. People who want to become better and more efficient readers are the focus of the app. Basmo tracks the time you read and gives you an overview of your progress. A personalized reading schedule can help you easily tackle your goals.

Basmo can be used to write your thoughts and ideas about a book you like. As you read, you can highlight your favorites. You can track how a book makes you feel once you finish it. The book can make you feel excited, happy, angry, bored or confused.

The app is great for people who don't care about the social aspects of reading and want to focus on their goals and progress Basmo doesn't cost anything to use with standard features. There is a $5 per month subscription that unlocks additional features.


Readerly app

The image is called Readerly.

Readerly is an app that helps you find and read books. A five-star rating system is not included in Readerly. The app shows you how much your tastes overlap with the reviewer, books you've both read and topics you like. The point of this is to make sure that you don't pass over a book that you might actually like.

The app has Gists, which are the app's short review format. Gists give users the option of writing a 200 character version of a review. Gists are turned into stories on the photo sharing site. When you create your Gist, you can add additional slides with your favorite quotes, characters or other information that others might find useful. The app will surface Gists from readers who are similar to you.

It's great for people who want to discover books. The app is free to use and there is a monthly fee for users who want to support the new platform.

TBR Bookshelf

TBR bookshelf

The TBR bookshelf has an image.

TBR Bookshelf is a new app that caters to the TikTok community and focuses on popular books. The app is easy to use. TBR Bookshelf is a book tracking app that allows you to track books you have read, want to read and are currently reading. You can outline your favorite characters and quotes with the app. If you didn't finish a book, you can note if you read it again.

There are different rating categories for different genres. If you are rating a self-help book, you can assign different ratings based on how helpful and inspiring it was. You can give a classic book different ratings based on how interesting it was.

Many of the features in TBR Bookshelf are geared towards people who are part of #BookTok. The app is free to use but also has a monthly subscription that unlocks additional features, such as seasonal ratings, book recommendations and TV show ratings.

Here are the best books that TechCrunch read this year