A fireball falls over Bulgaria during the Quadrantid meteor shower

A fireball falls over Bulgaria during the Quadrantid meteor shower (Image credit: Getty)

The first shower of the year, the Quadrantids, is coming up, and it may be one of the best of the year.

The peak of the Quadrantids is on January 2 and 3. According to NASA, viewers can expect an average of 80 meteors per hour at the peak. Dramatic fireballs, which are longer and brighter than typical meteors, are produced by the Quadrantids.

The debris trail of an asteroid called 2003 EH1 was found in the LONEOS in 2003 According to a 2004 study, the asteroid is 2 miles across and may be the remnants of a comet.

The sun is visited by an asteroid every five years. The peak period for showers of dust and tiny rock fragments is brief when Earth passes through its debris trail.


On the night of Jan. 2 or the morning of Jan. 3, lie flat to see as much of the sky as you can. To keep warm, bring a sleeping bag or warm blankets. Lying with your feet to the northeast is the best way to view things. For 30 minutes, let your eyes adjust to see the stars.

The best place to view the shower is in the Northern Hemisphere, according to NASA. The stars appear all over the sky but seem to originate from the constellation of Bootes and Draco, not far from the handle of the Big Dipper.

The shower's name comes from a constellation that is not on the list of modern constellations. Look at the space between the handle of the Big Dipper and Bootes to see if you can find Quadrans Muralis. The triangular shape is supposed to be a navigation tool.

The next major shower will be the lyrids, which will be active from April 15 to April 29 in 2023.