The fans gathered outside the Albert Einstein hospital when they heard about the passing of the great player. There were people dressed in the number 10 shirt. There was a banner that said "Eternal King" outside.
This is a moment that Brazilians have been anticipating for a long time and dread. Kely Nascimento kept her fans updated about her father's condition by following every post or story on the social media platform.
It was a big moment when he died. The hospital confirmed his death from multiple organ failure connected to his colon cancer, but it was more than just a medical bulletin, as the hospital shared the suffering felt by the family and everyone over the loss of "our beloved King of football".
It is a mark of how important he was to the people of Brazil that he was so much more than a football legend.
President-elect, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who is due to be sworn in on Sunday, said he had had the privilege of seeing Pele play.
He said that he was the only one who took the name of the country as far as he could.
Every Brazilian had something to say about the man. The younger Brazilians were told about his amazing skills, but they were overshadowed by the older generations who remembered him as a footballer.
The country is defined by football. Brazilians are allowed to watch their national team during the World Cup. He was cheering them on from his bed. His death after the tournament is even more sad.
Brazilians have had time to think about his life, knowing that his condition was getting worse. People who don't like football refer to him as the King.
He was a footballer that stayed in Brazil and played for a long time for Santos. For a long time, he couldn't be "exported" to play for clubs abroad because he was declared a national treasure by the president.
In a country where racism and classism are still pervasive, a black footballer from a poor background is an amazing success story. He was often criticized for his stance on racism. He believed that football could bring the nation together and give opportunities to the poor.
When it came to politics, he kept his head low. Many felt that was a weak position given his large influence and turbulent politics. In a country that has become more divided when it comes to politics, this silence allowed him to be loved and respected universally as the King of all Brazilians.
The memory of the greatest footballer of all time will stay in Brazil even though he is no longer here.
Gary Lineker said that 'legend' is a word synonymous with football.