I have to eat 12 grapes under the table while wearing red underwear and run around with a suitcase on New Year's Eve? Not quite.

Traditions can vary depending on your cultural background when it comes to looking for luck in the coming year. On New Year's Day, there are some well-known food traditions. Champagne at midnight.

There are many traditions on TikTok. There are some that are more interesting.

What’s the deal with eating 12 grapes?

A lot of people on TikTok talk about eating 12 grapes at midnight. This has been going back to the 19th century Spain.

The 12 grapes represent the 12 months of the year. If you can't finish the grapes by the time the chimes end, you will face misfortune in the New Year. The user who says she learned the tradition while living in Mexico shared a pro tip: use smaller grapes.

Over time, the New Year's custom has evolved. The tradition of sitting under a table in Latin America and wearing red underwear in Italy have been replaced by it. TikTok usergroovygrampa21 is worried about getting it all done in time.

TikTok user @groovygrampa21 isn't sure how she'll fit every New Year's tradition in.

Credit: TikTok/groovygrampa21

An episode of Modern Family featured the 12 grapes tradition. Gloria explained to Jay on the New Year's episode that she went from being a single mother living in a slum to having a rich husband in five years.

If you're in need of Gloria's luck, or if you're curious about cultural customs around the world, just remember to chew carefully, because no one wants to start the new year with a health problem.

What about running with a suitcase?

She is attempting to roll a suitcase behind her at midnight. Is that about?

The Folklore Archives at the University of Southern California believe that this is based on a tradition of packing a suitcase and running around. Good luck is said to come from this.

Around the block, why? The folklore says it has to do with the calendar year being very long.

There are many TikTok users who claim that it worked for them. During her visit to Chicago's Cloud Gate sculpture, she ran with her suitcase.

What other food trends are there for New Year’s Eve?

Soba noodles are made from the same vegetable. The ability to break easily and the heartiness of the buckwheat will help you endure the year ahead, according to Savor Japan. These noodles are linked to a long life by their length.

A traditional New Year's assortment of symbolic foods called osechi is said to bring happiness, scholarship, stability and other positive attributes. If you want to avoid health emergencies on New Year's Day, it's a good idea to cut up the sticky rice cakes before you eat them.

In Brazil and Spain, lentils are included in several traditions. Eating lentils is said to bring good fortune in both countries. Pork and chicken are eaten differently because pigs root forward and chickens scratch backward.

It's perfect to start the new year by enjoying something delicious at midnight. Don't chew if you're not sure.